The SASEL (Société Aygulfoise Sports ELoisirs) is a non-profitmaking Sports and Leisure Association of Saint-Aygulf, governed by the provisions of theecusson sasel3

Act of July 1, 1901. It was created in 1965 and celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on June 6, 2015 with a major public event.
Its essential purpose is to contribute to the life of Saint-Aygulf by organising sports, cultural and leisure activities which meet the needs of people of all ages.
The Association organises many physical and ethical activities for the youth of Saint-Aygulf. It also organises many events related to the activities of each of its sections (art & craft exhibitions, sports demonstrations, etc.), or independent of these (garage sales, travels, etc.). The SASEL also participates in external events that meet its purpose.

The Association organises many physical and ethical activities for the youth of Saint-Aygulf. It also organises many events related to the activities of each of its sections (art & craft exhibitions, sports demonstrations, etc.), or independent of these (garage sales, travels, etc.). The SASEL also participates in external events that meet its purpose.

To facilitate communication, sharing of information and exchanges, members meet regularly at social gatherings organised by the Association (exhibitions, annual nautism festival, etc.).

The members refrain from any philosophical, political or religious affairs in the meetings and activities of the Association. Any actions or discussions of a political nature are strictly prohibited.

 The resources available to the SASEL to achieve its purpose are fourfold:

1. Tangible Assets: 

- Individual headquarters comprising an administrative area and activity rooms.
- A gymnasium made available by the Municipality of Fréjus for sporting actiivities.
- The equipment required by different sections for the performance of their various educational and     craft activities.

2. Human resources:

- A Management Board, made up of active volunteers.
- Heads of Section, all experienced volunteers.
- An administrative secretary paid by the Association.

3. Financial resources:

- An annual subsidy granted by the Municipality of Fréjus.
- Different membership fees for certain sections.
- Income from certain events.

4. Means of communication:

- The website of the Association as well as a Facebook page.
- Various paper documents (posters, flyers, etc.).
- Various local partnerships (radio, tourist information office, shops, etc.).

The SASEL has about a thousand members. The Statutes and Code of Conduct can be viewed or downloaded from the administration menu on the website's home page.


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